Wednesday, December 8, 2010

No Contest

Well the Fall Semester is finally over..., I hope it was okay for you too.

I finally got all my grades in. Some I had maybe the couple of days before or after the final was taken. And I guess it's just human nature to worry about the one's you haven't got in yet.

Well when you are worried about how you are getting graded anyway the human nature part doesn't really help. To explain my situation we have to do one of my patented FLASHBACKS and in this particular blog let's use the color BLUE.


Agghhh finally done with school, tra-la-la-la.

Well pretty content with my grades, except for one. That one being in Music Technology... didn't really like this grade b/c the following reasons.

  • I was taking 21 hours and my teacher knew this.
  • I came to class all meeting times except for one and that one I told him that I would not be able to come.
  • That year I decided to do my Programming project and in the end the program worked great...How great? So great that, the teacher asked me could he copy my code and give to the rest of the class who were having trouble with getting their programming projects to work.
And in the end I got a B.

***I know what you're thinking  - "Johnny it's a B, that's not bad and I can kind of get why you feel that way, but still hey a B is still good."
And to be honest a B isn't bad, but let's look at the facts that also happened during this semester in the same class!! Back to the flashback ***

  • 2 other people who hardly showed up, but were in his "jazz band" or affiliating combo of some sort got A's...
hmmm go figure?
Even though...
  • They never finished their programs
  • One had a link to wikipedia as his source (and we all know that we shouldn't use that as a academic source[although I have never seen a wikipedia page with falsified info., but we still don't use it])
  • And again let me reiterate... they didn't FINISH it's like me stopping the story right here!!!


See what if I did stop it there... wouldn't you have felt cheated!! You took the time to read all that and now you have no idea how this little story ends.

Back to a more present time in time.

So when I had to take it again... (music tech students have to take the class a total of 4 times major or minor{I'm a minor}, the other guys who didnt' finish their projects are majors - reminds me of nepotism)(AND same teacher is the only teacher that teaches it).

I had already decided that I wouldn't go to every class in the fall semester b/c I don't think that he grades on that, as long as I get my project finish that should be what matters. Well even I will admit that I missed more times than I really had intended. Why? I really just got use to not going and I would forget or I would have a group project to work on ( I had 3 this semester the highest TOTAL of Group work EVER - for me). And let me mention... in the syllabus it doesn't say anything about mandatory class meetings.

Well I finished the radio and it didn't work, but the guy who got an A last time said to me that when he did his special project of building a guitar pedal, that it didn't work he just wrote a good report and did what he could to trouble shoot and he again got an..., you guessed it an "A". So I thought well I've done all I can to get it to work and I have taken and exhausted all options to get this radio to work including asking the teacher who told me that he wouldn't know how to get it to work... which I believed him b/c Music Technology encompasses a lot of things under it's musical umbrella and the fact that this same teacher was not able to help me when it came to me writing my program...thus copying my code for others.

So what did I end up getting... a grade that I really feel I should consider contesting... but at the same time I feel like I just want to be done with the class.

The only other thing that I will say besides me not showing up that might "qualify" me getting that grade...
I didn't come to the day he said would be our last meeting day. Although this doesn't really qualify as the final,but he could have been counting it as that or something similar. 

Anywho... I kind of feel like still no contest...
If this changes I might have to let you know ^_^

(This has probably been the LONGEST blog for me)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Here is a little advice...

I guess you can say that you heard it hear first...

Alright. Let me tell you how my day has went... all of the weekend that has just past as well as all day I have been preparing for the 3 presentations I had planned for today.

I am dressed business casual "formal" so that's like slacks and a polo with appropriate shoes to match. 1st and 2nd presentations were back to back...
Both presentations for the same teacher, but different classes. And that teacher says that since it's a group project all members have to present... which we did and I think both groups I was a part of did a good job.

Well above I already mentioned that there were 3. The last came the night of, in an organization I am a part of. This one was supposed to be a "John Solo"... or at least I think it would have been. But there was a lack of communication and they changed the time of the meeting and I didn't want to come in all late because to me it would make me look bad in front of a lot of prestigious people like the president of the school, and other high positions like that at the school.

So outside the door when I saw that I turned around and started for the door out of the building and as I made my way for the door I saw a girl I knew. I decided to ask her for her advice on what to do. She begin asking me questions like is it an organization on campus, do I hold a position in the organization and things like that. Before she could finish her questions towards me I think I had enough to make up my mind on what I should do... but while she was still asking me questions she got a customer. I told her while the customer was there that I'd see her later. She asked me to wait until after the customer left because she wasn't done giving me advice...
So I did and when she finished I said I wouldn't go to the meeting and begin to leave.

She seemed upset that I didn't take her advice...
Well I did thank her for her advice and I'm like just because you give me advice that doesn't mean I'm going to take it, because just because you share doesn't mean I'm obligated to say OK I'll do that!!... no matter how good you think it seems and it may be in fact good advice, but again that doesn't mean I will take it.

My loss right?

Monday, October 25, 2010

MSG to my professor b/c of what happened in between my classes, so "GOOD" it will be the complete blog and I have nothing else to say to that... except for you to try to enjoy it and that's all I have to say to that... oh and just have a nice day and/or night... no really I would like to have which ever one is the correct thing to say depending on the time of day of which it is said BLOG P.S. I took out my professor's name

Hey Dr.,
During the break in between your classes I went to the restroom. In the restroom, I sat my book on the shelf and my book bag directly on top of it. I heard someone call out who's bag is this while I was washing my hands. I didn't realize that they were talking about my bag and/or that they planned on taking it. So when I finished all that remain of my belongings was my book and I went out in search of who took it... because I know who it was only by face. I looked all over and couldn't find him. So I returned to the "scene of the crime" and one book bag was left which I knew had to belong to him(b/c of time duration). I took it, and then I went to the Advising office to see if anyone had turned in my book bag... long story short - finally the guy must have taken it there b/c Wendy was yelling at me to come to the office. Apparently he somehow mistaken my RED book bag which is always full of books and things(just today a girl said WOW that's like a filing cabinet) and placed on the right corner of the restroom counter with his BLACK book bag which was super light and placed on the left side below the counter, and again BLACK.

Sorry for disturbing class, but I didn't feel I would be able to concentrate knowing someone had my belongings when I have my banking information also in my bag.

I shall be returning shortly when I contact my bank.

-Johnny Jefferson

Monday, October 18, 2010

Skim this, YO

Hey if you are skimming blogs then you are not reading them...
How'd you like it if I just summarized what I said and put it in a convenient box of what is going on in... okay never mind.

SKIM AWAY!!! ^_^

But it be better if you read them... I suggest "The Promise" blog


Thursday, September 30, 2010

No complaining...

Today when I got in the car I heard half of the New Translation of the Bible on the Christian Radio Station.
It was saying something about not complaining about things...

So only hearing half I set out to do it all, no complaining sounds interesting and easy enough... considering that I live in America. No one complains here, right? Sarcasm - you decide.

Well for the first half of my day didn't have me to worried, even though I had to go to work this morning I thought I would be working alone in the dept. I work. Well I got there and they wanted me to do another area instead of what I originally was told I would be doing. Did I complain...
NO, not a problema (that's spanish for problem) at all.

Well later that day someone asked me to get them something even though I was doing something... did I complain, sad to say I did... even though I was mainly joking, I still gave a little too much to it.

Then when I got off I was really wanted some ice cream in the form of a milkshake, so I went to McD's. Waited in line for like forever in my car b/c I really didn't feel like getting out and finding a place. I got up to the speaker and waited then the guy came on the speaker and a less than enthusiastic voice, he said, Order when Ready. Well one Large Milkshake Please. He said $1.08... which confused me, but I just thanked him and proceeded to the window. I got there and paid my money and then went to the next window and got my beverage... began to drive off. Should have known something was up...

Got a Sweet Tea... didn't know that sweet tea sounds like milkshake... and/or sweet tea is a milk shake in Hawaii or something. ONE - he didn't even ask me if I wanted a sweet tea or an unsweet one so even then I feel like bad customer service. But TWO - that's complaining again so I'll have to prematurely stop this blog. But not before a smiley face... 8p

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I need to learn TIME MANAGEMENT

The title should be easy for me... I'm a business major, I study business and management is my concentration! ^_^

I will start blogging more and making time for the other things in my life as well. Or at least make greater endeavors to accomplish this. So until next time...

Your Friend,


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What happened at school today little Johnny

Today has definitely been a wild day.
Okay, I won’t comment on this statement, besides the fact that things have not, I repeat not gone the way I have plan. Of course, what I am about to focus on, is what happened to me today and it isn’t exactly the kind of thing that I think I plan to happen to me in a day of my life anyway.
So I’m getting out of Class it’s about 2:05 or something… we got out early. YAY! I’m standing in the lobby talking to a fellow classmate from the class we just got out of. He asks me when the next classes start, I reply that I’m unsure. We then begin to talk about something related, but not entirely related… other classes. Then he proceeds to ask to see my book. I give it to him and as he is looking through it, I notice through the glass windows of the building, a guy also in that same class previously mentioned walking by. So I tell the guy with my book to hold on to it and I’ll be right back and then I head out the door.
Before I can continue my story we need to go back…
About 2 weeks ago, I was waiting after class to talk to my professor and give him an update on my individual project that I’m doing. As I was waiting a guy from my class came up and started talking to me asking me where I knew him from. I didn’t know where he named places and none of them matched up. So, I wanted to figure it out!!!
FAST-FORWARD back to where we were

So I tell the guy with my book hold on to it and I’ll be right back and then I head out the door. When I get out there I yell to the guy I don’t know, HEY. He hears me and stops we have a brief conversation and I get down to the bottom of the “I think I know you situation”. Again not the focus of this blog… ß (I almost to the focus, just give me a little more time)
Well as I’m heading back towards the building a white car stops in front of me. A man is driving the car and a woman is in the passenger seat, quite a beautiful woman might I add. So…both look like students and wouldn't be surprised if they were.

If it was a play the following is kinda how it went...

GIRL: Hey.
(and when a nice looking girl says, "Hey" you most likely got a guys attention).
[So she says something and I don't really hear her and I'm like huh ]
**GIRL climbs over into the back seat.**

GIRL: Get in.

ME: Where are we going?

GIRL:Well do you want to do it here(Maybe what she said the first time and I didn't hear her[OH moment])?

ME: huh...

GUY: (begins to chime in) Where is your car we can take you to it, we can do it there.
**he throws a small amount of money on the seat(which of course is my assumption being that the bigger bills are usually on the outside and I saw Mr. Lincoln).

ME: (So poor gullible Johnny realizes what this is) Oh, I'm not the guy your looking for and continued my walk to the building.
**Weird and that was the focus and that's all I'm going to say about this GOOD DAY!!**


I forgot to comment on what I was wearing...
It was my red shirt polo and some blue jeans.

I guess Nancy Regan got to me.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My promised blog

Well today I made a promise and I intend to keep it.

I bought a parfait today, didn't have time to eat it, brought it to class instead of leaving it in the hot car and didn't have “what it takes to eat it during class.”

Well one girl, Jessica, was disappointed that I didn't eat it in class and wanted me to write a blog about it when I did eat it to give her an idea of what it tasted like to see if she would like to purchase one in the future.

What I can get for 2.09:

I detached the cone top of the sweet and creamy delight. As I gazed upon this beautiful spectacle I could only wonder if I were truly ready. Before I knew it the enticing aroma of vanilla pudding and whip cream with crushed cookie drizzled on the top called out my name. Oh, neither I nor any man could've resisted the Siren's song. I stuck my spoon through the perfectly spiral mountain of whip cream and into the rich filling, I could only wonder what I did to deserve such an appealing and well decorative creation. And when I took my first taste the flavors of vanilla bean, cookie bits, and fluffy whipped cream dance on my tongue. It was as if it was a ballroom party and every taste bud got to dance with “The Bell of the Ball.”

By the time I realized that the glorious treat was half gone, I almost cried. But NO I wouldn't I had to be strong and carry-on to tell my story to the world, because the world would need to know how, when people said you get what you pay for, NO that was wrong you get what you pay for and SO much more, and when people say money is the root of all evil, NO for a small price (of money), it can do so much GOOD, or when people say nothing in life is free, WELL technically they are right, but when they say it won't cost you much... YES they are right because it didn't, unless your flat broke or have no disposable income to spend on such luxuries at this time, or when they say Show me the money, I think well I think a lot of things, but they don't pertain to how good the parfait is so I won't mention them...

And after consuming this delicacy (I'm sure it is in some countries and should be if it's like I have described), I recall saying, hmmmm pretty good.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

It's not Cambell's, but it's Mmmm Mmmmm Good!!

This is one of my quicker blogs, could be because I have lots and lots and lots of reading to do, for classes or it could be because I'm cool like that, (you cool like that?).

Nahh it's definitely the former of the two. 8p
Well had to go to work this morning. And let me say I really dislike working Sunday mornings. Out of all the days to have to get up and go to work that one takes the cake. Better yet, out of all the times that I would have to get up and go to work, that one again takes the cake. A BIG cake too!

It's not that bad I guess, just the fact that I don't get to have church with my church family...

Anyway, on my way there I'm listening to the radio... and I'm not big on radio to begin with... usually have my own music for my commutes. Well as I'm flipping stations finding songs I like and then when those would go off flip some more and find some more.

Well one particular song this morning LIFTED ME up. It was a thank God moment, behold the power of God! It was a song about God, and it said something like, "I don't cry anymore when fake friends say goodbye, I praise God and I'm well to go!!"
AND that's where I am with my life now! That was some good for the soul, music, I pray that one day my music will give such positive uplifting message... and I can always try right. ^_^

Well thought it would be a lot shorter and then I just got to typing away, tee-hee. Well PRAISE GOD MOST HIGH, MOST DEFINITELY and MUCH LOVE.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I think I have a Best Friend??

Well I wanted to post this yesterday and I didn't get to due to soooooooo much reading I had for classes this semester. So much I am not even done and for that same reason I will give a summary-synopsis type blog about this topic... which with me doing so I will most likely not blog about this again, unless I am giving an "update" or something in that similar realm.

Alright, long long ago in a planet called Earth. LOL jk, (still got time for jokes, right?)

Well anyway when I was in High School, I got my first job thanks to my sister dating a manager and stuff. So anyway when I was there I met what I refer to as my best friend. Why, was this guy my best friend, simple enough question, because he was nice to everyone,didn't treat people bad and you know things like that.

Well anyway one day I was upset at work and he was there and he said something, about a certain situation that involves a lot of people (nothing bad you just read he was a nice person and didn't treat people bad 8p) and that was the way I feel about that same situation. It was something pretty simple and I just never thought anyone else felt the same way about it, so it was refreshing to finally hear someone else say it.

Well a few days later he was killed in a motorcycle accident. And I "pledged" that day if anyone ever said that same thing to me that they would be my best friend...Man, Woman, or Child...even Dog, if they can talk.

Just a little NOTE:
So things do not get "twisted" even a best friend doesn't come before God, but they would be in fact up there on the totem pole compared to stranger or friend(doesn't mean that they win out just because of status though).

Well fastfoward to a few days ago. Someone said that same thing to me in a tense conversation. So I think that makes them my best friend??? So, what did I do... I stop arguing with them at that very point and then said hey... I think you are my best friend!? Then it got silient(but what do you expect, right?).

Again after that was said, the arguing just like this blog stopped

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Friday the 13th - REVISTED

I sure that you have heard that the 13th, when it falls on a Friday is very UNLUCKY or has a very bad connotation. I've been thinking about this for a while and lets visit it shall we?

About 2 -3 months ago my mother asked me to participate in an event that she was preparing at our church.
I told her yes, not knowing that it was falling on Friday the 13th. Even though I'm sure she told me the exact day and time when she asked me to play piano at the event. The event was our pastor's anniversary celebration which we usually have on the Friday before the Sunday that we will normally celebrate this occasion.


As a matter of fact. I participated in it last year and didn't really like it so much. When I say I didn't like it so much I am referring to my playing not the whole event. The whole event last year rocked! I enjoyed the singers and the musicians and the others who participated in whatever form or fashion that they felt to participated. As a matter of fact I just like the crowd that showed up to the event.

That year however, I didn't like my playing. ONE I was using the piano of the church and the guy before me set up his 3 massive speakers(in a triangle formation) right and I mean right in front of the church piano. So I couldn't see anybody from where I was. Why didn't he place them on the other side of this small church interior or take them down after he finished? Well he couldn't because he had 3 massive speakers on the other side of the room as well. And take them down, NO they are massive and people usually take down there equipment when the whole thing is over when it's really heavy.

Another reason why I didn't enjoy my performance. Hmmmmm, I am not used to playing in front of people, because I haven't had to do recitals and concerts for years, so I'm a bit self conscious of my playing. To add to it the church piano as I found out while playing my song was a little out of tune which threw me off and made me not take the repeat of my song, which made my song EXTREMELY short. As I was playing I was thinking why does it sound like this... and I didn't concentrate on what I was doing... kind of like giving a speech in front of people and wondering what you will have for dinner that night. After I finished this my aunt was like, "oh that was nice baby, I was just starting to enjoy that... that was nice, but very short".

FAST FORWARD TO THE 13th ----> Friday that is

Keep in mind that I'm a bit self conscious of my playing and with me not practicing for the event the day before and very little that day I got a little uncomfortable with playing in front of a full house. Even though it was a small church it was packed, and to add to that, with people I grew up with and knew through the church... SO I got there a little late(which builds on the "OMG factor") sat beside my aunt in the back and signed the sheet.

Well the sheet wasn't a sign-in sheet, no no my friend. It was a sign-up sheet to perform. Well after hearing the people making a joyful noise, the same guy and two singing girls performing together from last year with his MASSIVE speakers all in front of the piano again... AHHHH that brought back memories. So I was getting ready to tell my aunt to take me off the list, but I didnt' want to talk to her while they were preforming so when they got done before she announced the next act, I was trying to tell her. But some guy who was filming the whole event, asked her to move to the front....

So with her getting escorted to the front right then, not even getting her purse, I guess I missed my "window"(opportunity). Well usually this doesn't happen to me, but I felt so afraid of performing and I got to the point that I just didn't want to do it. I don't know if it was just being plain scared or if it was more of like I didn't want to be the guy who gets up and messes up the perfect night.

So after that announced act, I went up front between acts and told her I wasn't ready to perform. Way before she was to call my name and then before the whole event was over I left early due to the shame of letting my Mom down. I said I'd do something and I didn't do it! If you know me you know how much I am a man of my word and can't stand when people can't keep theirs... especially when they don't even let me know and just avoid me... that can be a blog in itself. FYI - I did tell my Mom I wouldn't perform.

So on the shameful ride home, I am listening to this Christian radio station. And this guy is talking about his son.The guy has delexia and sometime has trouble reading things. And he tells us a time about when he is reading to his son. As he is reading a bed time story to his son he begins to move parts of the book around and his son notices and saids to him something along the lines of "No Dad that's not how the story goes..." in a non judgemental fashion.

And the guy says right then he says he didn't think his son would notice his delexia so early in his life (the son is just about seven; new to reading). And then the Dad goes into a spill about him wanting to be perfect for his son.

Then he says but not much in life/this world is perfect, only one thing to be exact, Jesus.

So I guess I should have just played and even if I felt I ruined the event maybe I wouldn't have. I feel like at the most I owe at least my Mom an apology... I think I will the next time I see her(even though I don't think she really will be upset with me, but I still feel the need to do it anyway).

Thanks for going back to that dark scary night with me.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I thought I give a quick synopsis of what I have been thinking about lately. And I do mean pretty quick b/c I have work tomorrow morning and I'd like to get more than 5 hours... Maybe asking for a lot, but you never know if you don't ask. ^_^

Well I thought if I am going to blog about something I thought this would be the perfect thing to blog about b/c it is perfect, no lie. Well I am thankful that I have a job right? Especially in the economy these days. Well a few days ago my left hand started itching... I once was told by my Mom(I think) that that means that you are about to get some money. And the next day I find out that we are getting bonuses at work for meeting our "goals" to be one of the best hospitals in the nation. So how much did I get right? Let's say enough that they had to tax it...<- It was big... I don't know if that states that or not b/c they might tax anything. BUT really it was as big as a regular check so that maybe gives you a better feel of how big it was if not, well I tried.

And that brings me to what is perfect... You may think my job... and I'd say pppssshhhhhh, it's nice in all, but it ain't (yep I said ain't{that is a word now[English is a livin' language]}) perfect. So maybe it's money, I be speaking of, money is nice, but it isn't perfect. But again nice to have money though.

So I am talking about GOD, the most high, supreme being FTW!!
Thank God now and forever, I mean things happen good and bad, but God helps us so much we take his love and him for granted some times and for that I apologize for us all. And hopefully he'll forgive us and that is something that is well worth blogging about.