Monday, October 25, 2010

MSG to my professor b/c of what happened in between my classes, so "GOOD" it will be the complete blog and I have nothing else to say to that... except for you to try to enjoy it and that's all I have to say to that... oh and just have a nice day and/or night... no really I would like to have which ever one is the correct thing to say depending on the time of day of which it is said BLOG P.S. I took out my professor's name

Hey Dr.,
During the break in between your classes I went to the restroom. In the restroom, I sat my book on the shelf and my book bag directly on top of it. I heard someone call out who's bag is this while I was washing my hands. I didn't realize that they were talking about my bag and/or that they planned on taking it. So when I finished all that remain of my belongings was my book and I went out in search of who took it... because I know who it was only by face. I looked all over and couldn't find him. So I returned to the "scene of the crime" and one book bag was left which I knew had to belong to him(b/c of time duration). I took it, and then I went to the Advising office to see if anyone had turned in my book bag... long story short - finally the guy must have taken it there b/c Wendy was yelling at me to come to the office. Apparently he somehow mistaken my RED book bag which is always full of books and things(just today a girl said WOW that's like a filing cabinet) and placed on the right corner of the restroom counter with his BLACK book bag which was super light and placed on the left side below the counter, and again BLACK.

Sorry for disturbing class, but I didn't feel I would be able to concentrate knowing someone had my belongings when I have my banking information also in my bag.

I shall be returning shortly when I contact my bank.

-Johnny Jefferson

Monday, October 18, 2010

Skim this, YO

Hey if you are skimming blogs then you are not reading them...
How'd you like it if I just summarized what I said and put it in a convenient box of what is going on in... okay never mind.

SKIM AWAY!!! ^_^

But it be better if you read them... I suggest "The Promise" blog
