Monday, March 26, 2012

Want to make more music


Haven't blogged since, I finished undergrad... ^_^

I decided to do more music, so I decided to join myxer and "put" music up on it... in the form of ringtones!!

Next blog will be longer...


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Recent E-mail

Well I just sent this e-mail to my friend b/c both my friends make good Nana Bread... but whose do I like more... hmmmm, lets read.

Had your bread. I waited to eat it when I had it with my friend...
And we both tried it... soon after she said it was good, she asked what I thought,
And if it was better than hers. This Mam, was a tough question which took a lot of
thought, and I finally came to a conclusion...
The conclusion wasn't easy to come by so don't think that it was because to do so
is an assumption in which you are wrong, but every now and then everyone makes
mistakes, so don't hold it against yourself or beat yourself up about it, And if you think
for one second that I"m stalling and/or building up anticipation of my answer, I would
definitely have to say that you know what,
I haven't really thought about it. But for that
second you were right.... okay enough stalling.
So where was I, I think I was about to tell you what I thought of your bread and her bread
in contrast or head to head comparison.
Was that were I was? Ha ha ha, I think so, so let me start there.
So tasted yours and was then asked to compare and my answer was a simple one, took
some time to reach maybe not as long as it took to read this, or maybe so...
And honestly... the only way I could really give a legitimate answer would have to be if
you both had baked them on the same day or at least if I tasted them on the same day.
Because yours was good, but I do recall hers being good too!!
So the only way I would really be able to tell is if I had them both on the same day,
Thus I propose a BAKE OFF!!!

A no holds bar. Gloves off, but ON when pulling the bread out of the oven BAKE OFF...
Let me know - she is up for it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


A few months ago, I decided I wanted a new phone.
Since no phone out at the time caught my attention I really felt any phone would do.

Long story short I got a new phone... didn't get to check out the signal because we had those tornadoes...

After the tornadoes and things returned close to normal... I realize my new phone wasn't any better, in fact worse at given me signal out where I live.

So, I wrote N1wireless and due to the circumstances they took back the phone. I think the company is a great business and wanted to give my recommendation for them. They also have good customer service to go with the wide collection of phones they offer. So if you are looking for a new phone check them out.

The website is

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Assuming "The Assumption"

Well last time I was at the library...
this will be a quick blog by the way... should be studying or better yet... that thing you do at night especially when you been up since the break of day... whatever that is that's what I should be doing

So back to my story,
I was at the library and I was printing slides for my test...
du du du du duuuuuuu... **Me minding my own business (which is good since I'm a business student; ha ha - you'll get that one later)

Well no one was sitting to my left b/c the computer was down and no one was sitting to my immediate right but the girl the next seat down had her bookbag in that seat. Well another girl came in and for some reason or another needed the seat between me and the previously mentioned girl. The bookbag in the seat was pink and very girly... but she came between the two of us and asked me first was the bag in question mine...

I replied, No that's not mine and then she asked the girl and found her answer.
I asked her when she sat down why would she think I would have a pink bookbag.
She said I didn't want to assume anything...

So via youtube (and who ever posted it!!)look at this... and
Yeah I need to stop assuming myself... and

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

No Contest

Well the Fall Semester is finally over..., I hope it was okay for you too.

I finally got all my grades in. Some I had maybe the couple of days before or after the final was taken. And I guess it's just human nature to worry about the one's you haven't got in yet.

Well when you are worried about how you are getting graded anyway the human nature part doesn't really help. To explain my situation we have to do one of my patented FLASHBACKS and in this particular blog let's use the color BLUE.


Agghhh finally done with school, tra-la-la-la.

Well pretty content with my grades, except for one. That one being in Music Technology... didn't really like this grade b/c the following reasons.

  • I was taking 21 hours and my teacher knew this.
  • I came to class all meeting times except for one and that one I told him that I would not be able to come.
  • That year I decided to do my Programming project and in the end the program worked great...How great? So great that, the teacher asked me could he copy my code and give to the rest of the class who were having trouble with getting their programming projects to work.
And in the end I got a B.

***I know what you're thinking  - "Johnny it's a B, that's not bad and I can kind of get why you feel that way, but still hey a B is still good."
And to be honest a B isn't bad, but let's look at the facts that also happened during this semester in the same class!! Back to the flashback ***

  • 2 other people who hardly showed up, but were in his "jazz band" or affiliating combo of some sort got A's...
hmmm go figure?
Even though...
  • They never finished their programs
  • One had a link to wikipedia as his source (and we all know that we shouldn't use that as a academic source[although I have never seen a wikipedia page with falsified info., but we still don't use it])
  • And again let me reiterate... they didn't FINISH it's like me stopping the story right here!!!


See what if I did stop it there... wouldn't you have felt cheated!! You took the time to read all that and now you have no idea how this little story ends.

Back to a more present time in time.

So when I had to take it again... (music tech students have to take the class a total of 4 times major or minor{I'm a minor}, the other guys who didnt' finish their projects are majors - reminds me of nepotism)(AND same teacher is the only teacher that teaches it).

I had already decided that I wouldn't go to every class in the fall semester b/c I don't think that he grades on that, as long as I get my project finish that should be what matters. Well even I will admit that I missed more times than I really had intended. Why? I really just got use to not going and I would forget or I would have a group project to work on ( I had 3 this semester the highest TOTAL of Group work EVER - for me). And let me mention... in the syllabus it doesn't say anything about mandatory class meetings.

Well I finished the radio and it didn't work, but the guy who got an A last time said to me that when he did his special project of building a guitar pedal, that it didn't work he just wrote a good report and did what he could to trouble shoot and he again got an..., you guessed it an "A". So I thought well I've done all I can to get it to work and I have taken and exhausted all options to get this radio to work including asking the teacher who told me that he wouldn't know how to get it to work... which I believed him b/c Music Technology encompasses a lot of things under it's musical umbrella and the fact that this same teacher was not able to help me when it came to me writing my program...thus copying my code for others.

So what did I end up getting... a grade that I really feel I should consider contesting... but at the same time I feel like I just want to be done with the class.

The only other thing that I will say besides me not showing up that might "qualify" me getting that grade...
I didn't come to the day he said would be our last meeting day. Although this doesn't really qualify as the final,but he could have been counting it as that or something similar. 

Anywho... I kind of feel like still no contest...
If this changes I might have to let you know ^_^

(This has probably been the LONGEST blog for me)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Here is a little advice...

I guess you can say that you heard it hear first...

Alright. Let me tell you how my day has went... all of the weekend that has just past as well as all day I have been preparing for the 3 presentations I had planned for today.

I am dressed business casual "formal" so that's like slacks and a polo with appropriate shoes to match. 1st and 2nd presentations were back to back...
Both presentations for the same teacher, but different classes. And that teacher says that since it's a group project all members have to present... which we did and I think both groups I was a part of did a good job.

Well above I already mentioned that there were 3. The last came the night of, in an organization I am a part of. This one was supposed to be a "John Solo"... or at least I think it would have been. But there was a lack of communication and they changed the time of the meeting and I didn't want to come in all late because to me it would make me look bad in front of a lot of prestigious people like the president of the school, and other high positions like that at the school.

So outside the door when I saw that I turned around and started for the door out of the building and as I made my way for the door I saw a girl I knew. I decided to ask her for her advice on what to do. She begin asking me questions like is it an organization on campus, do I hold a position in the organization and things like that. Before she could finish her questions towards me I think I had enough to make up my mind on what I should do... but while she was still asking me questions she got a customer. I told her while the customer was there that I'd see her later. She asked me to wait until after the customer left because she wasn't done giving me advice...
So I did and when she finished I said I wouldn't go to the meeting and begin to leave.

She seemed upset that I didn't take her advice...
Well I did thank her for her advice and I'm like just because you give me advice that doesn't mean I'm going to take it, because just because you share doesn't mean I'm obligated to say OK I'll do that!!... no matter how good you think it seems and it may be in fact good advice, but again that doesn't mean I will take it.

My loss right?

Monday, October 25, 2010

MSG to my professor b/c of what happened in between my classes, so "GOOD" it will be the complete blog and I have nothing else to say to that... except for you to try to enjoy it and that's all I have to say to that... oh and just have a nice day and/or night... no really I would like to have which ever one is the correct thing to say depending on the time of day of which it is said BLOG P.S. I took out my professor's name

Hey Dr.,
During the break in between your classes I went to the restroom. In the restroom, I sat my book on the shelf and my book bag directly on top of it. I heard someone call out who's bag is this while I was washing my hands. I didn't realize that they were talking about my bag and/or that they planned on taking it. So when I finished all that remain of my belongings was my book and I went out in search of who took it... because I know who it was only by face. I looked all over and couldn't find him. So I returned to the "scene of the crime" and one book bag was left which I knew had to belong to him(b/c of time duration). I took it, and then I went to the Advising office to see if anyone had turned in my book bag... long story short - finally the guy must have taken it there b/c Wendy was yelling at me to come to the office. Apparently he somehow mistaken my RED book bag which is always full of books and things(just today a girl said WOW that's like a filing cabinet) and placed on the right corner of the restroom counter with his BLACK book bag which was super light and placed on the left side below the counter, and again BLACK.

Sorry for disturbing class, but I didn't feel I would be able to concentrate knowing someone had my belongings when I have my banking information also in my bag.

I shall be returning shortly when I contact my bank.

-Johnny Jefferson